Symplectic Reading Seminar

This weekly online seminar is joint-organized by ShanghaiTech University, USTC-IGP, Yonsei University, and Zhejiang University. See also our joint symplectic seminar.

This reading seminar aims to study various interesting topics and machinery in symplectic geometry. The topic in this semester (Spring 2023) is the virtual techniques, in particular, the global Kuranishi charts based on the work from Abouzaid-McLean-Smith. Here is a rough plan of the reading seminar. We will post the notes and recorded videos.

This reading seminar series expects to expand in its size in the future, hoping to include more students/postdocs to get involved. The tentative topic for the next semester (2023 Fall) will be "Symplectic dynamics on surfaces" led by Jun Zhang. You are encouraged to email us to propose future topics that could be of interests to a larger group of young symplectic geometers or if you want to lead such a seminar in a future semester.

Organizing committee: Hansol Hong, Junwu Tu, Weiwei Wu, Jun Zhang.

Zoom ID: 964 2625 0176   Password: 255767

Zoom link:


Weiwei Wu (Zhejiang University)  Time: March 15/22/29th, 2023 at 9:30am (Beijing time)

Topic: Definition of Kuranishi structures and smoothing theory.


Hansol Hong (Yonsei University)  Time: TBA at 9:30am (Beijing time)

Topic: Constructions of virtual fundamental cycles in coefficient Q in a global Kuranishi chart.


Zhengyi Zhou (Chinese Academy of Science)  Time: TBA, at 9:30am (Beijing time)

Topic: Moduli space of rational curves.


Jun Zhang (USTC)  Time: TBA, at 9:30am (Beijing time)

Topic: Global Kuranishi charts of rational curves with marked points.


Further topics will be determined as our progress becomes more clear.